After a year or two of using your game...
I still feel the same way... As I described below.
Your game is the best of the store.
Your game is most like real random Hearts play. Your Concrete Competition who, even on an "Easy"setting, is designed to punish the human player... every game. One character wins almost every time. It seems that the other three players are pooling their cards... so as to have the perfect card at the perfect time. AND, every now and then, when another player really wins the hand, the game will give me the hand forcing me to play next... at a disadvantage.
I have trashed the game... Its too monotonously fixed against the human player!
I wrote complaints to Concrete and Apple... and have received no response from either!
Thanks to you for a your product!
Punished In Los Angeles...
Capt Zulu about Hearts Premium, v1.45